Everyone is in constant pursuit of happiness. In fact, each and every action of ours is directed to seek happiness.
Since we are in the pursuit of happiness, we will be in pursuit of happiness till we come across the happiness that will never recede. It is our common experience that the happiness that we receive thorough any of our actions, recedes. It doesn't stay there in the mind. Sooner or later its intensity drops to zero and we are forced look for happiness somewhere else.
In this scenario, you will agree that there is no scope to love because love is to give happiness to others while we in search of our own happiness.
In order to love, one must seek such infinite happiness and then it is very easy to love others as you can distribute free of charge what you have earned.
To love is to give your life to your beloved, which is God. You have only one wish and that wish is to fulfill his wish. Love is the name of giving happiness to others. Therefore Love and happiness do not have existence without one another. Happiness is the base for even love to exist. If there were no infinite happiness, what love would give others?
Love and happiness are happiness itself. Love is the quality that finds happiness in beloved's happiness. Therefore, there is no cause and effect between love and happiness. Both of them are there since eternity without any cause and will remain till eternity without any cause. That is the definition of word SANATAN.
Krishn is happiness incarnate while Radha is love incarnate.
If sufferings are taken as grace of God, they reduce because realization of grace of God makes more grace to flow reducing the feeling of suffering still further.