The question that arises is, 'God,Allah is present everywhere and therefore he is present in all living beings too. Does it mean any man or woman or any other living being represent God or Allah'? If someone says 'NO!', he is speaking aagainst diktacts of his religion because he is not accepting the scripture statement that Allah, God is present everywhere and in everything
So, the answer is big YES! There are instances where wife attained divine bliss by adoring material person as God. Because wife thought of God in husband, she succeeded in getting Grace of God. Husband could not attain the eternal bliss because he never concentrated his mind on God.
But worshiping material person as God is almost impossible because material person is full of shortcomings and behavior of such persons is not directly controlled by God while saints are directly controlled by God. Being directly controlled by God, saints decisions are perfect while those of material persons are imperfect. The imperfect behavior makes it difficult to cultivate Godly feeling in a living person. Hence in this age the worship of material person as God is prohibited.
Idols do not disturb the worshiper at all. Hence idol worship is one of the way of attaining divine bliss.
Thus no religion can be against idol worship given that every religion says that God is omnipresent, which means God is present in idol and worshiper can worship that omnipresent God present in the idol.
Any spiritual practice must concentrate on remembering God and idol or for that matter any picture of God like Ram, Krishn solves the problem of remembering God to a great extent.