So it is clear that when one gets human form (after going through hell and 8.4 million species) the palcing of an individual is governed by his good and bad deeds of this human life. Now, this human form is not the repeatition of the earlier one. Many persons think that they will get the same fortune as the current one. It is not possible. Rich can become poor, powerful can become slave, beautiful can become ugly or commoner, ruler can become a beggar and so on.
This placing decides everything for the soul including religion. Beliefs are the result of the environment in which soul is brought up. Hence getting birth in religions where philosophies are incorrect is the result of current bad deeds.
To get birth in the right environment, the best way is to remember God. Keep away from violence, nonveg, wine, deceit, harassing others.
Soul is responsible for its current status and soul will be responsible for its future condition. Better to know the correct philosophies as early as possible.
Everything is soul's hand. God just offer his help according to the wish of the soul.
When soul desires to go to hell he gets into the acts of deceit, half information, mis information, hypocracy, crimes related to sex, violence, frauds, murders, wining, nonveg dining, womanizing and so on.
When soul desires to go through numerous bodies of mamals, birds, insects, fishes, snakes, frogs, animals; it gets into legitimate enjoyment of life throgh marital relationship, eating veg delicacies, sight seeing and so on.
When soul desires for heaven, it gets into acts of helping others, donating money to proper persons, religious routines, austerity and so on.
When soul desires to unite with God, it takes recourse to true spiritual persons, spends time in their service, donate money to them, accepts God as only true beloved.