A honey bee was sucking honey from lotus flower.
The Sun was about to set.
Bee was enjoying honey and sweet fragrance.
Lotus flower closes its petals after sunset.
Bee thought 'Let me enjoy a bit more.'
Lotus flower closed its petals completely.
Bee was trapped in it but thought ,"Doesn't matter. I will enjoy the whole night. The flower will open up on sunrise. I'll then fly out."
But an elephant came and plucked the flower and engulfed it.
That was a sordid end to bee's life.
Samething happens with all humanbeings. They keep on enjoying life which is nearing end as every day passes. The life flower closes and the death plucks the life.
That is the sordid end. Only those rise above the enjoyment and leave the sensual enjoyment all together by diverting their mind to God, are saved.
It is possible that before reaching the state of complete purification, person could die. God then gives the next human birth in such a place that further progress takes place and soul eventually attains its goal of infinite divine bliss.
But if sensual indulgence becomes the way of life then further birth would be again in the environment of sensual indulgence and then there is no scope for soul to get out of the cycle of painful death and rebirth.