Intelligent of this world
Really are non-intelligent
They like chewing the peel
Never interested to sip the nectar.
The meaning is that people in this world are interested in sensual happiness which lacks continuity. This happiness is ephemeral. There are tensions, sorrow and other unwanted feelings associated with it.
A little bit of happiness and rest is the same boring and dull life or life full of tensions and sufferings.
This happiness is derived from God's outer power - Maya. Hence it is like hard crust or the peel that covers juicy fruit.
The real nectar is within God. It is derived from God's internal power - Divine Bliss.
The divine bliss is a continuous experience of infinite magnitude. No unwanted feelings creep in because soul experiences the happiness that never recedes and hence no scope for tensions, boredom etc.
But the worldly people enjoy peel (Mayic or sensual happiness which is associated with death and sufferings) and do not show any interest in God's inner nectar. (The divine happiness which is never ending and devoid of death and sufferings.)
Just as it would be stupid to enjoy peel leaving out juicy fruit, in the same fashion it would most stupid to enjoy sensual happiness leaving out juicy divine love nectar.