Your fate is decided by the person you get associated with.
Occasions do come where you get chance to associate with spiritual persons and acquire the reservoir of eternal happiness eventually, by escalating your relationship with him.
But your continual association is with people who have no faith in God, who have no idea of any existence of unlimited happiness, who go on talking anything without any base, who firmly believe that happiness is not in God but in Money, Power, Skills, Position.
This makes you disoriented. You cannot orient your thoughts towards God. And eventually you disassociate from spiritual people. You like worldly people more.
Then your money flow, by any reason, is not in the spiritual direction. Your money does not end up with spiritual persons. It goes to sinful persons.
You don't spend your time, by any reason, with spiritual persons. You spend your time with sinful persons.
Then associate with persons who don't aim God realization as their aim. The result is sufferings, death and more deaths.