We are talking about desirable qualities for a spiritual aspirant. Lovable behavior is not inviting or alluring behavior.
Behavior should be coupled with minimal talk. Unnecessary talking should be avoided. Speak as few words as possible. This will keep others at distance from you. It is essential because it will help in concentrating mind on God. When a person is surrounded by people, his attentions and his mind is engaged in people around and then it is obvious that no one can think of God in such scenario.
Thus talk sweet but only when it is must. If it is observed that someone is talking nonsensical, listener can make any excuse to get rid of him.
Sweet behavior should not be directed to get favorable impression on the listener. Spiritual practitioner should not get bothered by what people talk about him or think about him.
A saint said, ‘Whether people praise or criticize, spirituality is my way of life.’
As we have seen there are four kinds of people.
1 Those harass others and indulge in illegitimate enjoyment
2. Those who indulge in legitimate enjoyment
3. Those who enjoy helping others.
4. Those who are devoted to God.
Spiritual aspirant is of fourth category. Person belonging to any category will be subject to criticism of people from remaining three categories. Hence don’t ever try to please all. We have to please God and hence spend time and energy accordingly.