When the journey has begun, we need to check what assists the journey and what creates hurdles in the process.
The path is love path. Hence qualities that strengthen love should be nourished while those which oppose love should be disowned.
Love is the quality that tries to make beloved happy. Hence we need to examine the behavior of persons who love.
Person in love tries to see that the beloved is not offended by his or her actions.
Krishn, whom we have accepted as our beloved, resides in every heart. Therefore, our behavior with everyone should be such that Krishn should not get offended. To achieve this, it is necessary that we must keep loving behavior with all. It means we need to talk soft and sweet. No such word be used that the listener feels dejected or insulted.
Note the word behavior. Behavior should be loving, meaning outward actions like talk, gestures should be loving but from within we must be neutral. We should neither love nor hate anyone.
We do behave in such manner with persons in power. For example, if boss gives firing, the subordinate keeps the mouth shut or says 'sorry', but from within he is not happy.
If someone turns up in night at 12, we are unhappy that how some can visit such an odd hour. But outwardly the guest receives welcome!
It is possible that sometimes it would be necessary to use harsh words to point out mistakes, malpractices when soft advice does not work, but otherwise, in general, the behavior must be sober, not only with any single person but with all.