It is said that happiness of formless God is not even 1/(10 to the power 15)th of happiness of the same God when he assumes form.
10 to power 15 is know as one Parardh. (A counting figure)
Let us few more confirmation regarding superiority of divine love bliss.
Gaurang Mahaprabhu who was there about 500 years ago said -
Sensual happiness and liberation (happiness of formless God) are two witches. Unless these witches leave heart divine love bliss cannot flourish.
He further says :
Though sensual happiness and happiness of formless God both are dangerous (because they deprive soul of love bliss), formless God bliss (liberation) is more dangerous because it is of infinite nature and cannot be undone after soul leaves the physical body. But sensual happiness keeps person in the cycle of births and deaths. There is all probability that such soul would come across saint of divine love bliss and if soul submits himself to such saint, soul too gets the divine love bliss forever.
Hindu scriptures say one saint among the millions of saints has access to divine love bliss.
Bhagwat says that it describes the religion which is beyond four deceits. Deceits that deprive soul of happiness of highest level.
These deceits are heaven (through charity and other altruistic deeds), Money, Sexual urge and Liberation(Happiness of formless God).
Thus by logical reasoning, by scriptures, by experiences of the saints who had access to both, it is conclusively established that though it is formless God who assumes form, happiness of formless God is no where near the happiness of divine love bliss of God with form.