There is a notion that our relations including that of father, Mother, Husband, Wife, Friend etc love us and we need to love them in return. Hence we cannot break attachments.
Unless worldly attachments are broken, divine attachment cannot be formed.
It is argued that in this world all our relatives have their own space in our mind and one relation (Husband-wife) does not necessarily affect the other relation (Brother-sister). Why cannot God and world stay in the mind simultaneously? A critical examination of mind for its thoughts shows that mind can think only one thought related to any object or any person at the given time. That is thoughts related to different relations have different time spaces. Thoughts related to this world are about finite area and hence impure while thoughts related to God are about infinite area and hence pure. God too has no problem with thoughts related to any divine personality and places say for example, Krishn, Radha, Gopis, Saints, Vrindavan, Gokul and so on. There must be continuous intake of pure thoughts so that mind is 100% pure eventually. If, after pure thoughts, you think of impure persons you are undoing your efforts of purifying mind. Therefore God and this world cannot stay together.
It is obvious that mind will repeatedly fall back on this world because of its practice of infinite lives of past. Krishn tells Arjun to tackle this problem through constant practice and detachment. Practice is is to try to think about God, his form, his stories, his places, his saints. You can device your own ways. Time, place is no bar. Whether you are at temple, at mosque or in graveyard or at wining outlet does not make any difference as long as you have your thoughts centered around God.
Wherever mind goes, put God in that place or in that person. There is no place, whatever dirty it might be, where God is not present and there is no person, however demon he might be, in which God does not reside. This type of practice does not restrict mind in any way. It flows freely and takes God along with it wherever it goes. You must distinguish between soul (person) and God residing in that person. When you think of any person it should come to you that there is God within him different from the person. This way you can develop habit of seeing God everywhere in inanimate objects and living organisms. On perfection you are right there on your target of infinite happiness.