We live life as it comes to us. We never think seriously about effervescence of life. We think things will continue as it is even after death.

There was a superstar who said that he always wanted to be a film star in every life. One model too expressed wish that she would like to a model every life.

It is all foolish. In first place we don't know the reason behind the present fortune of ours. We also see that things cannot happen as we wish. If they should then no one would ever die.

Hence any wish about future life without knowing cause of the present life conditions is as insane as a real insane person. Wish needs backing of well informed and well directed efforts.

In this age it is widely accepted that there is no God and no Soul and of course the general notion is there can not be any rebirth. If there was a real belief in rebirth, one would delve into the rules that govern the after death and future lives journey,

In the absence of such knowledge we are directionless in the vast see of the infinite lives like a boat in the vast see of tumultuous waters. It would not take more time to get the boat submerged in the water. We are too sinking in the sea of sufferings and deaths after deaths, and we are happy that we are unaware of it!