We are now sure that the religion that we belong to is not ours but we adopted it because we have been repeatedly told from childhood that your religion is so and so....say hindu, muslim, sikh, christen and so on.
If you take example of say a cow. If cow takes birth in a muslim's house, cow does not become muslim or hindu or of any other religion.
The point is religion by birth is a misnomer. No one has a sticker of any religion on his body when comes out of mother's womb. But the people in the house put that sticker on your mind on you BLINDLY ACCEPT what is being repeatedly thrown at you.
If convert to Muslim..Khuda does come knocking your door neither does Bhagwaan or God if you convert to Hindu or Christen. Conversions for material gain is business and God is billions of miles away from business. God seeks love from you not business. Moreover after conversion your spiritual status does not change a bit in that you don't get any special insights of the the Almighty.
Everyone is SOUL which is above all. There is only one religion of soul - To seek happiness for itself. And that too Infinite happiness that resides with God. It means first is you (soul) and religion is adopted by soul just clothes are there. Clothes can change but person remains same. Thus religion can change and there is no sin in changing religion for better spiritual achievement.
One more outcome of the above discussion is that Do not accept or associate with anyone just because the person is of your religion. Why you want any association? Because you want to be happy. Happiness will not follow by associating with people who perpetrate injustice even if they are of your religion. Why? Such people can behave unscrupulously with you as it is their philosophy of life to perpetrate injustice. Once the basic is clear that soul has accepted the religion and there is no real relation between two souls but all souls have relation with only God, you will stop stop associating with the people of youe religion. You will achieve one crireria specified by God whic is ,'Treat everyone equally'.
Another question arises 'Why human being should stick to its religion and accept anything and everything dictated by that religion, which is outdated and hence became useless'? The outdated things are harmful to you, your body and soul. Would you consume outdated medicine? NO...Because such medicine is useless or harmful.
Thus the religions which do not change their societal norms as times changes are dangerous in two ways:
1. Such religion will allow you live normal life as other people do in the society because may be dress code, association code, behavior code etc.
2. Such religions focus on external appearance, bodily routines and the whole attention is diverted from remembering God to eternal physical exercises. Such physical exercises do not cleanse heart and impure heart would indulge in sins and ultimately soul would suffer heavily after death.
People must quit such religions in their own interests. Because it is only after death they would come know that their philosophy was wrong when punishment is handed over to them for their sins for which they kept on drawing support from their religious scriptures.
The fact is there is one universal system that takes care of your internals like the external systems of the universe that scientist study.
The system of inner world comprises of Mind, Intellect, Soul and God-Bhagwan-Allah-any thing else you name that supreme power.
In this system Soul imparts the life to the body. Through this life , mind and intellect direct senses and senses accordingly make use of the physical energy that is derived from the intake of food, light, sound etc.
This universal system takes into account cause-effect relationship of mainly related to mind and thus related to happiness and sorrow.
Which religion catches that system most correctly is the question. System remains unchanged whether or not religion is able to grasp it and describe it correctly.
Firstly religion should be able to decide correctly what an individual wants and then suggest ways and means to achieve it. Those ways and means should be adoptable in the current environment. Many religions don't even answer the question ,'What are the souls after?'.
The basic need: To be happy. And what about love? Love is an outcome of perceived happiness in any object or person. The more is the perception of happiness the more is the love. Similarly the more is the perception of unhappiness the more is the hatred or enmity.
How does the universal system can elevate you the state of constant, uninterrupted joy is a Million Dollar question. Answer is - Associate yourself with infinite area. Infinity will be a constant experience. Right now our association is in the finite area which gives interrupted happiness and during those interruption we come across many unwanted feelings of boredom, tension, grief, anger and so on.
The infinite realm is God's realm, Khuda's realm, Bhagwaann's realm. So love him and you will be right there with him. Love others-persons or objects - you will right here, sufferings from birth, death and in hell. That is what is happening since time immemorial. We are here suffering from death again and again because we associate with worldly people and not with the infinite or divine area.
Choice is ours.. Lets us make the right choice this time.