In order to assign first priority to God, sound philosophical base is necessary. There are very few who have natural inclination towards God. All others will have to think seriously over nature of this world and worldly objects to arrive at conclusion that God is the only one who is their eternal companion and no one else other than God could be the companion.

Ways and Destination
All roads do lead to Rome but there are different houses in Rome itself. Similarly there are many paths leading to God but the individual destination in the infinite realm is different. Hence there are many levels of spiritual happiness.

Who is more intelligent?

Great saint Narad says,
"Intelligence lies in getting something that is boundless, unlimited from the limited resources you have, from the limited life time you have."
This is where you win over your limitations. Otherwise death puts an end to whatever free talk you make or whatever free will you have or whatever limit of wealth, fame... you have acquired.

In other words sanity lies in breaking the cage by making use of cage itself! You are there is the cage of death. Some day or other death will approach you. So, while living in that cage if you can cross the limitation of death you are really intelligent else death turns out to be more intelligent than you!