There is no object in the world comparable to Krishn(Hari)
There is no way to God comparable to Love-way (Devotion)
There is no well-wisher comparable to Genuine Master
There is no holy book comparable to Gita (By Krishn)
........(Saint Nanak)
Jag maha Hari sam Vastu Nahi
Prem panth so panth Nahi
SatGuru sam hitkar nahi
Nahi Gita sam granth. ..(Saint Nanak)
As we see Guru Nanak who established Sikh Religion spoke highly of spiritual master, he also stated that there is no holy book like Gita and Krishn is the topmost in deities.
It is strange that the Sikh Religion today puts Guru Granth Sahib at the top instead of Guru Nanak's choice of Gita.
Sikh religion as of today do not believe in any living person to be of caliber of Guru Nanak. Instead of bowing to spiritual master there is a practice of bowing to Guru Granth Sahib.
Guru Nanak proclaimed Krishn to be the topmost deity but today Sikh does not worship any deity instead they worship Guru Granth Sahib.
This world is full of surprises! You will find them everywhere!