These interactions also includes money thirst. Money is supposed make everyone happy by bringing in all sorts of material objects that would bring in happiness.
But excess money has many fold problems:
1. Excess money is useless. That money just remains in the bank account without any utility to the owner. On death this money is automatically taken away from you. No money can travel with you after death. In addition, the sins committed in accumulating this money to be paid off through severe pains and sufferings in hell and in subsequent lives.
2. Excess money make the off springs lazy, haughty, addict to all sorts of bad habits like dining , wining, womanizing and so o and further may engage in crimes. Off springs do not work as they should. They try to solve all problems with the help of money power and hence do not realize the value of human life beyond money.
3. Money creates desire for more money. Which means on getting 1000, the demand is for 10,000. On getting 10,000 the demand is for one million...There is no end to it, which means the money holder is turned into money minting machine, all the time worried about increasing the money influence. Many celebrities, sport persons, business tycoons speak about their value through money, not knowing that pieces of paper can never be the value of any living person. No dead person can come to life with the help of money. What cost would be of living heart that one has?
There is a story that one person was operated for heart transplant and the doctor charged him two million dollars for heart and one million dollars for his fee. The person started laughing. He would not stop. Doctor thought that the client did not have so much money, so he asked,"Is it too much?" The person replied no, no at all! Now I realize that how kind God is. He sits in our heart without charging anything for his time.He gives heart, brain and this complete body free of charge. What did I pay to God for all that he gave me? Nothing. Thus he all of sudden turned spiritual and spent his further life in spiritual pursuit.