The soul-inanimate relationship is not limited to eating. Eyes want to see beautiful places, beautiful faces, artistic creations, drama, cinema, historical places, water falls, mountains, forests, wild animals, beautiful nature, roaring ocean and so on.

Ears wants to hear rhythmic music, soft language, words of praise, pleasing words, harmonic tunes, sweet and melodious songs.

Nose likes aromatic fragrance, sweet smelling delicacies. There is story in Ramayan. When the war between God Ram and Rawan was going on, Rawan lost his powerful warriors. Rawan had one brother with huge body of demon. His name was Kumbhkarn.

Kumbhkarn had acquired a boon to have good sleep. Once sleep would continue months together. Rawan wanted to wake him up. He tried everything like playing trumpets, moving him by sticks but nothing worked.

At last, one court-man suggested that delicious food should be cooked so that its spicy scent would enter his nostrils, which would wake him up. The trick worked. Kumbhkarn got up and then went to fight with Ram and was killed by God ram in the end.

The point is nose is interested in perfumes.

Tongue, we have already seen that enjoys delicacies, spicy food, sweet food. The taste varies from individual to individual.

Skin is interested in soft touch, Touch that would bring in satisfaction, it includes romance. Soft clothes, warm clothes what we need depending on the season.

Thus there are five interactions of inanimate substances with five senses