Let us see the problems associated with the first type of relationship in which one soul develops attachment or so called love for other material soul.
1. Each soul is interested in its own happiness, which means the relationship with the other soul is only up to the point where self-happiness is met.
2. Even if someone makes fake claims that he or she loves his or her beloved for beloved's happiness ,it impossible to accompany one's beloved for 24 hours and 365 days a year to serve him or her.
3. It is not possible to take care of other individual even if you remain with your beloved for 24 hours a day and for 365 days a year. The internal disorders of any body or mind have to be borne by individual. Headache, body-ache and other bodily and mental sufferings cannot be transferred to anyone. .
4. For making decisions, one relies on others' responses through words and other gestures. Deception is possible in such cases, as one cannot enter into others' mind.
5. And after death, of course, there will not be any connection between souls. Each soul has to bear all consequences of his deeds all alone. No one can come to rescue.
6. Material soul is devoid of eternal and infinite divine bliss. Hence the no soul can achieve permanent happiness through such relationship
Thus it is very clear that Soul-Soul (Material) relation is very weak, offers almost no protection and all that you get in return is momentary happiness. Moreover such relationship cannot remain favorable all the time. There are many occasions in which unwanted feelings like hatred, tensions, grief capture mind, as the outcome of such relationship. The divine bliss is no where in the sight. In fact such relation will take you away from the divine bliss