There are four kind of personalities according to the four tendencies stated earlier. First is philanthropic people with kindness, compassion etc. It is very rare to get such people who will spend their life in helping other good people. If you have friendship with them or if you worship heavenly Gods, you are still in finite region. If you have friendship with people who have philosophy of enjoying life with legitimate enjoyment, you are again in finite area but at lower place compared to the first one. If you have friends who enjoy harassing others, making others unhappy or who enjoy life with wine, non-veg etc, you are still in finite area at the lowest position. These positions are heaven, this world of living organisms and hell.
Those who develop friendship with the people having divine knowledge are far better placed owing to increased chances of next human form, because through their association you are certain to spend time in divine practice. You can even end up in God's abode, if you develop a complete 100% attachment to them.
There are many stories we read in newspaper about girls marrying with criminals in prison or elsewhere. They will only repent when they will find themselves in the hell along with their criminal lovers. There is not a single action in this human form that does not assume any importance. Friendship and love too will decide your destination. If you love your any relation or a friend and if that person has to suffer in hell because of his action, you will have to follow the suit. Don't take this human form lightly, it has potential to make or break you depending on your choice of actions and friends. Be choosy and associate with the people who will make you happy in true sense.
In this world, in many cases, it is observed that countries and people, who for their own selfish motives blatantly propagate injustice, oppress others, provoke and support others for illicit activities, enjoy wealth and power. It impacts others and others are tempted to take a sinful path for blitz and glitter. Can you imagine these arrogant rulers and arrogant people screaming and begging for release when subjected to severe punishment in the hell? That is the truth. This happens because these people drive the life blindfolded without finding answers to many questions raised right in the first post of this series. The kind of environment available in this age makes it difficult to believe anything related to God, not because there is no logic but because mind has access to all sorts material enjoyments which it does not want to forgo.
There would a check on uncontrolled and unjustified activities if it is realized that life will end one day and that whatever name, fame, position, power, ego etc you have earned will come to naught and further spiritual laws will take their own course to decide on the actions done in knowledge powered human form. This realization brings a tremendous change. All of us know the story of Valmiki. He was a robber and murdered many in his life. When he realized that there is going to be severe punishment for his deeds, he was a changed man and then through spiritual practice he attained eternal bliss. Realize the truth, you will be the beneficiary.