This Jad Bharat was the same King Bharat who ruled India and India got the name Bharat after him. That was before he turned ascetic. It is said that he went to the enemy’s state to practice humility and lived a life of beggar so that pride could be expelled out of the heart. After which he went to the forest to achieve eternal Bliss. There he was trapped in the attachment to deer and as stated earlier he attained eternal bliss in the next life after becoming deer.
After attaining the supreme knowledge, he kept it secret and lived the life as he was living earlier. One day he was captured by some robbers who wanted to sacrifice him to Goddess Kali. He was tied by ropes and taken to a temple. A robber took out his sword to kill him. But Goddess Kali appeared and killed all those rouges. You could now realize what divine protection every second means.
That place was ruled by King Raghugan. Once this Jad Bharat was picked up by servants of Raghugan to carry the dolly in which King was traveling. Jad Bharat used to walk sometimes slow, sometimes fast and therefore there was speed mismatch with others who were carrying the dolly. This gave jerks to the King. At one point Jad Bharat jumped to save ants which were moving in line on the ground.
This made the King angry and he said to Jad Bharat,’You look so well built and strong…..Why can’t you walk properly?’
Jad Bharat replied,’I am not getting what you are saying. I am soul and all this adjectives are not applicable to me.’ King was surprised to hear philosophy from him. He stopped and stepped down from the dolly.
He asked Jad Bharat,’It seems you are a person of knowledge. It was my mistake to get you carry my dolly. Please forgive me’ He further asked many question related to acquiring divine bliss and treated Jad Bharat with high respect.
The point is you should never be upset with set backs in spiritual practice. Be after it again and again. Patiently wait for God’s grace, it will drench you with divine love one day.