In this age, Shankarachary re-established Hindu through preaching of philosophy of formless God. His philosophy was, ‘There is no difference in God and Soul. Once the illusion is overcome, soul gets its original form of eternal happiness. Everything that is in existence is God and there is no scope for anything else to exist.’
Hindu philosophy views soul as one of the aspect or power of God. Shankarachary didn't believe in powers of God because according to him, in the whole universe, there is nothing other than God. Once when he was in Kashmir, he suffered from dysentery; a girl approached him and said,'Will you accept my challenge to discuss scriptures?' Shankarachary watched her and thought 'This little girl is challenging me!' but said,'I feel very weak due to sickness. I don't have power (energy) for any discussion. We will have debate after two-three days.' Girl said,'Power? But you didn't believe in power!' Shankarachary was astonished. The girl revealed her original form of goddess Shakti. Shankarachary had to accept the existence of Shakti as a power of God.
Actually, Shankarachary used formless God to get rid of Bhuddhism which was widely practiced in India at that time. God Bhuddh believed in Nirwan. Hence Shankarachary used similar concept of Mukti or liberation described in Hindu and outwitted Bhuddhist philosophy.
At many places he preached devotion to Krishn. He advised his mother to practice devotion to Krishn. He said,’ Mind cannot be made pure unless devoted to lotus feet of Krishn.’ ‘The action which never needs repentance is devotion to Krishn.’ He constructed poems 'Bhaj Govindam', 'Yamuna Nikat Tahastit Vrindavan Kanane maharamye' …It shows he equally believed in God with form.
In fact, he said,’Those who wish to practice the spiritual practice of Yog, formless God or anything other than devotion, let them be. I am not interested in any of those. Let the divine love flow through my mind, always.’
God Shankar says ‘ Hell, Heaven and Mukti (divine happiness through formless God) are one and the same.’ Meaning no one should go after formless God.
Thus love is the best. And we all know how to love. Just change of object is required.