Now the question is how to recognize a genuine saint who can guide us.
It is an extremely difficult task. Because there is no outward difference between genuine and fake. Both of them are talking the same thing. In addition, genuine saint in many cases behaves like a material person and engages himself in all activities of money, anger and so on. That is the task is doubly complicated. Somehow we have to find out some guide lines to distinguish the real from the fake.
Hindu says a saint should have both the knowledge of ALL SCRIPTURES and DIVINE EXPERIENCE. If you apply the first criteria of scriptural knowledge , most of the fake saints are filtered out. Islam rules out coming of anyone of the stature of Prophet Mohammad, hence there is no point in searching Islamic world for any genuine saint. There are some do's and don'ts which a real saint follows -
1. He never grants boon or curse.
2. He never promises any material object like money, child, service etc to anyone.
3. He never performs miracles.
4. He does not administer hymn in ear or otherwise and make disciples.
5. He will insist on remembrance God.
6. He will clear all your genuine doubts regarding God.
7. He will help you in your spiritual practice through various tips.
8. He will inspire you take a divine turn.