In remembering God the important aspect is form-visualization.
Form-visualization is giving that form to God in which you would like to see him. There is absolutely no restriction to your imagination.
Hindu scriptures say, 'You (God) are man, You are woman, You are young ,You are so old that you need stick to walk....' Meaning God can take any form according to your wish. You can also switch between any number of multiple forms. Change of form takes care of mind's demand for novelty. Everything is left to the individual. In all forms, it is the same God who is divine. Every form has then divine character which means God is always with you, he knows everything that goes on in your mind and in everyone's mind , being almighty he protects you every second, he is full of love, compassion, mercy and of course he is the reservoir of the eternal, infinite, ever increasing and ever new bliss. Thus God is differentiated from worldly persons.
Next step is to develop love. To develop love a relation is needed. Select any relation of your choice. All of us usually enjoy romantic relationship the most and hence mind would be fast engrossed in divine thoughts through romantic relationship with God.
You then let your mind proceed unbridled regarding the visualization pertaining to appearance of God, his love responses to you, his beauty, his clothes and so on. You will go on calling him but you must understand that he will with you in person only after your heart is 100% pure. Hence everything must continue without any frustration as journey might be quite long. Duration of journey will vary from one individual to other depending current state of purity of the mind. Since he has created this universe with sole aim to disburse the infinite happiness, he WILL come to us one day.
The problem is mind defies all and gets back to its business of making attachments in this world because the worldly happiness is available on finger tips while spiritual happiness is a promise which will be materialize at a later date may be after many lives.
If we check the reason why we failed since eternity to seek spiritual happiness we find that our efforts were not unidirectional but they were bidirectional. We remembered God but not only God. We always went back to worldly relations and objects. Thus we advance 5 steps and then retreat 10 steps. That tells why our attachments in this world are deep and are increasing.