Saint Narayan says 'Do not forget two things if you want divine progress - one is Death and the other is God.'

After exile in forest Pandav had won the battle of Kuru Kshetra and Yudhishtir became king of the empire. In his kingdom was a poor Brahmin who wanted marry his daughter. He was short of money so he approached Yudhishtir and asked for some gold so that he could bear the expenses of the marriage. Yudhishtir had some urgent meeting. He said to Brahmin, ‘I am busy today. Please come tomorrow to collect the Gold.’

Bhimsen, who was nearby, heard the conversation. He called the prime minister and told to order big celebrations in the city. Prime minister didn’t dare ask why. He announced in the city that King wants everyone to celebrate a great achievement. Fireworks, music etc soon began. Ydhishistir asked prime minister,’What these celebrations are about? There is no festival today!’ He got the reply that Bhimsen ordered the celebrations.

When Yudhishtir inquired with Bhimsen, Bhimsen said,’ You have achieved a great feat!’
’Yes Brother! You have conquered the death.’
Yudhishtir said,’have you gone mad? How can anyone win over Death?’
Bhimsen said,’I am right brother, otherwise you would not have asked that Brahmin to come tomorrow. It means that you know for sure that you will not die in next 24 hrs and that you have control over your timing of death! If not, what will happen to your promise if all of us die of some calamity today? You know not keeping promise made to a right person is punishable by God!’

Yudhishtir realized his mistake. He thought ‘This fat man (Bhimsen) has a quite agile brain!’ He sent some one for the Brahmin and gave him the Gold.

There are two aspects of this story.
1. Do the good actions at once.
2. Do not count on tomorrow. Who knows? Tomorrow may not arise in the life