But materialistic persons work for their selfish motives, because they are in search of infinite happiness, for them imitating these actions is like kid’s consuming poison out of ignorance.
Hence Shuk Dev gave a stern worded waning that only their preaching should be adopted and not their actions. In other words we should adopt the ways and means by which the skill is acquired and not the skillful action itself!
If you see a person walking on the rope at the height of 100 meters, you cannot just start walking on the rope at that height. If you do so, your death is certain.
Thus you must do spiritual practice and purify your heart. Then after seeking the divine bliss you would be able to understand the truth of the divine actions. Till then just understand that imitation of these actions is strictly prohibited.
While describing Gopis Shuk Dev said, “Due to the fire of separation, all misdeeds of Gopis were burnt and their heart became pure. They could visualize Krishn and Krishn too appeared in person with in their mind. And within mind itself Gopis embraced Krishn which freed Gopis of all deeds.
For many Gopis Krishn was just as any other boy and they had just an illicit relation with Krishn without knowledge of his divinity, but the pure object is not affected by the emotion. Whatever emotion it might be but Gopis braced the pure object.
Krishn was God in person. Therefore, they got rid of this material body and went into divine body with which they could experience infinite happiness.”