Shuk Dev said,”Competent persons like God and Saints sometimes seen to be overriding religion but that does not bring any defect into those shining people. See for example, Fire eats up everything but it does not become impure by the impurity. Incompetent persons who do not have such (spiritual) power never ever even by mind should think of imitating such actions, then physical imitation of those actions is beyond imagination.
If some one does so out of foolishness, his destruction is certain. God Shankar had swallowed extremely dangerous Halahal(name of the poison) poison, but if some one else does so, he will be reduced to ashes! How God who is divine can be described by the material adjectives like good and bad.
By the grace of whose feet dust, devotees get ever satisfying eternal bliss, with whose union yogis severe all their bondage of actions and persons of knowledge just by thinking about whom get established into their divine form and move around with free will by coming out of the bondage of actions, such God reveals his divine pastimes as per the desires of his devotees. (for the betterment of material people by letting them know the joy of divine world). How then one can even think of bondage due to such actions?
The one who resides in every heart including that of Gopis and their husbands, sees everything that everyone does and who is ultimate husband of all can be thought of alien to anyone? God performs his pastimes to grace all souls so that by listening to this pastimes soul can acquire the same eternal, infinite, ever-new and ever-increasing divine bliss. Men of Braj never thought of any wrong regarding Krishn as they all always realized that their wives with them. “
He then said, “Gopis were not interested to return to their home but by Krishn’s order they went home because they wanted to please Krisn by their every action."
Thus Shuk Dev abrupltly concluded the description of Raas.