God and soul are the same.
God and soul are different.

God and soul have some important common attributes.
God is without birth and so is soul.
God has no beginning so hasn't soul.
God cannot be destroyed, so cannot be soul.
God is vital, so is soul.

Because of these similarities, we say that God and soul are the same.

But God knows everything, soul knows almost nothing compared to infinite knowledge of God.
God is present everywhere, soul can be present only in his body.
God controls while soul is controlled.
God is light while soul is lightened by that light.
God motivates, while soul is motivated.
God gives outcomes of actions, soul has to accept those outcomes.
God is the support while soul is supported.
God is all powerful, while soul has little power.
God's thoughts are truth and decision are truth.
Meaning his thoughts and decision are automatically implemented, no physical actions are necessary while soul struggles so much to get things done according to its wish and many times he may not be successful.
God is happiness incarnate, while soul is struggling for happiness.
God is instigator, while soul is instigated.
God is bigger than the biggest while soul is the smaller than the smallest.

Hence God and soul are different.
Thus ,
God and soul are the same when vitality and existence are concerned
But there is tremendous difference between God and soul.