Hindu philosophy describes some paradoxes we will try to check all of them one by one.

You can get divine love through a genuine saint only.
You can get divine love only if you have detachment.

Divine love is something which needs to be put into the heart by some one. It is not automatic. The only one who has access to such love can pour that love into your heart. Only genuine saints have access to such love and therefore one can get divine love through a genuine saint only.

Hence the selection of saint is most important of all. We hear many instances where gullible people are duped by fake saints. This problem can be tackled only if double check is made with scriptures regarding accepting someone as genuine saint. Scriptures are extremely critical about stupid people who accept every saffron robed person being a genuine saint. Krishn, too issues warning against such fake saints in Gita.

Make it point that genuine saint must have through scriptural knowledge. All others without such knowledge must ruled out and one must not treat them as a genuine saint.

In order to know genuine saint, heart must have some level of purity, that purity would be gained through constant remembrance of God, through developing love for God, through calling him with tearful eyes.

You will notice that few people get attracted to genuine saints and not all. The reason behind it is the detachment to this world which arises out of the pure heart. If there is no detachment you would not be interested to listen to anything that a genuine saint would prescribe because your mind has more interest in the worldly affair and these worldly affairs keep your mind fully occupied and there is no space left for spiritual thoughts.

Hence it is said that

You can get divine love through a genuine saint only.
You can get divine love only if you have detachment.