A Prayer

You are my only mother
You are my only father
You are my only brother
You are my only friend
You are my only knowledge
You are my only wealth
O! God! You only are everything to me!


Twamwv Mata ch
Pita Twamev
Twamev Bandhus ch
Sakha Twamev
Twamwv Vidya
Dravidm Twamev
Twamev Sarvam Mam Dev Dev!

If we carefully check the prayer, it highlights a major mistake people make while dealing with God.

The prayer uses the word 'only'. It says God is the only mother. Which means there is no other mother. While we very much consider the physical mother as real mother and God is just mother by words.

God cannot be deceived by words because he resides right there in the heart. It is essential know why the word 'only' is used.

The prayer treats an individual as soul and not as body. Soul is divine and it is an element of God. Mother, father and all relations are in fact souls. Soul cannot give birth to another soul. All souls emerge from God. Hence God is the only mother of all souls.

We, instead, firmly believe that an individual is nothing but body and relate ourselves with the persons who gave birth to body. Although we know that bodily mother or father are not the ones who made the body, still we insist that they are father and mother. They don't even know what is going inside the belly where newborn is being shaped. The fact is, body is constructed inside the womb by God according to the actions of the previous life. Thus even birth of body too is given by God. And hence God is only true mother and father of all.

Not only mother but prayer insists that God has all relations with soul. Mother, Father, Brother, Friend, Husband and so on

Within the heart we are sure that my mother is at home and God too is my mother. While God wants us to realize and accept that fact that it is God who takes care of soul through infinite lives and hence he is the only relative of soul.

We need one urgent correction if we wish to get entry into the divine realm of God. Remove the word too and use the word only from within the heart not just by mouth. God is my only mother, only father, only brother, only sister, only friend, only husband, only well-wisher.

The word 'too' is making us going through pains of birth, death and other sufferings since infinity. The world 'only' is the only solution.