In the name of Hindu religion some practices are followed, which are not validated in the scriptures and hence such practices cannot be termed as Hindu practices.
On many occasions such practices are denounced in scriptures and the followers are advised to shun such practices. They are mainly TAMAS activities. And there are some other practices which find no mention at all in Hindu Scriptures.
I am making this point mainly because CNN - an American NEWS network - recently aired a report on some aghori sect, which I never heard of - and labeled the whole Hindu religion after it as most disgusting one. What is the motive behind it? Only CNN would know.
If CNN wanted to make a scholarly attempt to describe Hindu religion, it would have studied the scriptures in details. For that matter JAGADGURU SHRI KRIPALUJI MAHARAJAJI
has brought forth the ancient knowledge of Vedas through many of his discourses. CNN could have gone though it at least.
Such misplaced information and false claims take people - in this case Americans - away from right path and hence inflict sufferings and grief on them. The truth is any living individual can proceed either in forward or in backward direction. Forward direction takes him to happiness, backward to grief. Forward towards God - the reservoir of bliss and backward to the material world where after the human life sufferings and only sufferings are in store for billions of years till the next human form.
This the precise reason why the correct choice of religion assumes a great importance.