Why don't we have love for God?
When computer is looked at , it is perceived as a computer. Mountain is perceived as mountain.. No one perceives God that resides in all objects. That is, even if God is present in objects, no one gets any sign of God's presence in it. Therefore, God, when comes down to earth in human form, as a person, he is perceived as a person! Not as a God! That is why it is difficult to know God when he appears in human form. This is one of the reasons for being under Maya (In finite realm) for so long.
Another reason is friendship - friendship with the persons who believe in sensual indulgence. Thinking patterns of fellow being have immense impact on the way thinking patterns are established in our mind. Persons who do not have faith in Saint or God will try to enjoy life. If you are in a company where the topic of discussion is this world - Sports, Players, Movies, Stars and Starlets - you develop interest in worldly matters. If you are in a company where topic of discussion is God and His pastimes, you develop interest in God. The old saying, "Person can be judged from his friends" is very much true. The philosophy is two persons can have friendship, only if their interests match!
One more reason is laziness. You must be familiar with the quote "Whatever is to be done tomorrow, do it today. Whatever is to be done today, do it right now." That is "Do not make any delays in making decision, particularly when it is related to Spiritual endeavor." But the philosophy that is adopted to go about spirituality is "Whatever is to be done today, do it tomorrow and whatever is to be done tomorrow, do it day after tomorrow. There are years to come! Why to hurry?"
Fourth reason is looking faults in others. This habit is extended to Saints. Saint is discarded for some seemingly fault. You would not want to listen to him any more. Thus, any of his good teachings are not paid attention to. Saints are always there to give benefits to others. They have only one job - to bring permanent happiness to others, to relieve others from sufferings. Because of faultfinding, we lose saint in totality, take shelter to other material persons and finally waste the golden opportunity of union with God!
Fifth reason is negligence in getting theoretical knowledge of God, Soul and related issues. In the absence of such knowledge, spiritual practice is not possible. Many doubts creep in mind when one begins performing spiritual practical. If these doubts are not answered well, practice comes to a halt. The decision making authority- intellect- does allow mind to proceed further in the absence of clear views. Therefore, sufficient time must be spent on getting theoretical knowledge of different spiritual ways to arrive at proper selection of spiritual path and subsequent practice.
Sixth is over confidence. Because of over confidence, necessary precautions are violated. Everywhere there are do and don'ts. When doctor gives prescription, he also tells some prohibitions, if necessary. Prescription does not work well if prohibitions are not followed. Violations render prescription ineffective. It is a must for a spiritual aspirant to be extremely careful right up to the last point where one unites with God.
Seventh reason is lack of humility, tolerance and endurance. It is very important that mind does not involve in any sort of argument with others. In doing so, state of mind changes rapidly and it is no more receptive to love and happiness. It becomes more and more egoistic. Because it cannot get involved in the loving God, it invariably falls back on to the materialistic objects and persons.