Let us see how marriage is treated in Hindu and Islam.
Hindu treats marriage as a sacred bond and leaves no scope to terminate it. There is no divorce procedure at all.
Islam, on the other hand, handles it as a material connection and allows breaking through one sided triple talak.
Hindu gives complete protection to women regarding their marital status while Islam leaves it to the will of a husband.
Regarding outward clothing and appearance too Hindu is much more flexible.
There are no instances that lady hindu office goer wearing 'Ghungat'.
But we find many instances where Muslim women fight for wearing Hizab and Burkha. Muslim men fight for keeping beard.
It is murky because in the first place women and men of all religions are disobeying scriptuires when they decide to serve or go abroad or mix freely opposite sex because none of these activities are described in the scriptures. Then why to make a hypocritic show of obeying scriptures? Who are they deceiving? God?
Really speaking, outward appearance is not at all important; what matters is inside remembrance of God.