At the beginning of Gita, Arjun was worried about outcomes of his actions. He did not fulfill the condition ‘God and only God’. He took recourse to both God and religion while Krishn wanted him to take recourse only to God (Krishn).

In the last chapter of Gita, Arjun realized it when Krishn told him ‘Dismissing all religions...’ and then Arjun says ‘All my confusion is gone. I have got the true knowledge through your grace. I will do as you dictate.’ Thus Arjun fulfilled the condition that submission should be made to God and only to God. This condition implies that only God should be obeyed and no advice from any other source should be entertained.

So, submission is the only way. No submission means no grace means no divine experience.

The question now is why this condition of submission and what does it mean? Why then God is called naturally compassionate? The meaning of naturally compassionate is compassion without any reason.

Submission is to do nothing. As it is said, mind cannot remain idle even for a fraction of a second. Mind has ego which makes soul the doer of the actions. As long as soul takes the ownership of the actions, God remains indirect doer. The moment soul hands over rein to God, doership is transferred from soul to God. The change of direct doer from soul to God is called submission. It implies that soul does not perform any actions on submission. All its actions are directly performed by God. For this reason saint Kabir says ‘Whatever is done is done by God.’ This statement is true only in case of genuine saints who have acquired God.