There were some monkeys
shivering from cold. They gathered together and decided that they
must burn fire as human being do. They then decided that they should
collect red looking object that human being used to light fire.
However instead of
embers they found similar looking red nuts in the forest.
They collected some
wood and put those nuts onto the wood and began blowing it so that
fire would catch up.
A bird was sitting in
the tree near by.
He told those monkeys
that they were not on correct path. They would never get fire by
burning those nuts. But the monkeys felt offended that their belief
was challenged. Monkeys told the bird to shut up.
Seeing that monkeys
would die of cold that way, the bird again tried to convince the
monkeys that they should try find embers.
Monkeys, this time, went
after the bird as they felt that what they thought was the correct
and that they would not tolerate their wisdom challenged. The bird
was badly injured and somehow managed to flew away.
Monkeys continued with
their belief and were eventually died of cold!
No one can save fools!