If love is non demanding, it is steady and stable otherwise it fluctuates.
On fulfilling the demand it increases and in its absence it decreases. On reduction of love to God, you are more attracted to this world. You move away from God.
Many people attribute any material loss to ill will of God. God can never, never have any ill will for anyone. He has nothing to gain and nothing to lose. In fact he gives everything that soul possesses. Material objects and relations, by their very nature, are finite in amount and finite in duration. Anything never-ending must be of infinite magnitude. Any materialistic loss or gain is the outcome of own actions.
Hindu says any loss of material possession, is compassion of God. Every person is guided by his own actions. No one can do anything about it.
It must be understood that worldly relations, wealth, position, prestige are not permanent. Where there is birth, there has to be death. There are no rules governing the death. Younger one dies while older one remains alive. After death, everyone gets future life according to ones actions. Dead person does not get to know what happens after his departure. Your grief is of no use to the dead person. Grief is the result of your attachment to that person. What’s the use of grieving then?
Attachment increases when you are in contact with anyone. After death this contact is lost and hence there is better chance that detachment would follow. Detachment is an essential part of spiritual advancement and hence Hindu says any material loss is compassion of God.
Worldly possessions keep mind entangled and mind can not concentrate on God. Kunti asked Krishn, ‘Give me poverty, give me hardship so that I will always think of you.’ The conclusion is, you should neither demand any material possession nor feel dejected on the loss of any material possession.