With-action devotion, as name implies, is practiced while doing day to day work.
It is a practice to remember God all the time. It is similar situation where any vehicle driver whose mind is busy in other thoughts while driving. Hands are doing their work while mind is doing its work of thinking on different subject simultaneously. Thus with cautious efforts mind can be kept busy in God while doing any work. Krishn tells Arjun,'Keep mind engaged in me and fight the war.' Arjun did the same. You can imagine the job of sending arrows, such a difficult one! If it is possible to fight a war with mind in God why could we not achieve the same while doing all activities?
Kripaluji Mahaprabhu has suggested that while doing your job every hour (10am, 11am, 12pm ....) try to visualize that God is near by you either sitting or standing. For this purpose, you can even even use vibrating alarms on your mobile. After the practice for a month or so your mind remember God every hour without any external aid. Then reduce this to half an hour. Again practice for a month or so. You will find that God comes to your mind every half an hour. Then 15 minutes...then 7 ... likewise you will be successful in remembering God every second.
Another way is to practice with every breath.
While inhaling breath recite 'Ra' (in mind without voice) and exhaling recite 'Dhe' That makes 'Radhe' with every breath.
One thing must be remembered that in the absence of forced spiritual practice, mind will always want to enjoy material pleasures, which means suffering will never end. Death is not end to sufferings. It is beginning of new sufferings.....Thus spiritual practice is imperative.