Thus the focus is on mind. Then What is mind? The answer is mind as inanimate as any other inanimate substance like dust, stone etc. But then it works continuously because of the vital power imparted by soul.

Mind creates desires and derives happiness through fulfilling those desires. Meaning is straight happiness has origin in desires and hence in mind.

But no one can stop mind from making desires. Why? Soul wants to be happy. And mind has to search for that happiness through making desires and fulfilling those desires.

Then there is only one solution that mind should desire to seek infinite happiness that would fill the mind forever. This desire is of spiritual quest.

As all inanimate substances from big stars and planets atoms, electrons are governed by rules, mind too is governed by rules. The rule is mind gets connected to other person or other mind when mind thinks of the person. The thinking can be through love or through hatred. And then mind that initiates thinking, receives the characteristics of the person or the mind character of the person about whom thinking continues.

Thus person thinking changes gradually as per the icon that the person worships.

Therefore to have divine thoughts, one must concentrate mind on divine personality.

Mind is a microscopic physical entity. It is so minute that it is smaller than smallest of atomic particle. And it is governed by rules just like any other physical entity.

Hence what mind will think is a result of rules. What desires mind will create is subject to rules. What kind happiness mind will get is subject to rules. What kind restriction will be put on mind is subject to rules.

We all aware that same software can give access to different functionality depending on access rights given to user. Nothing vanishes from the software itself but it just not visible and usable by the user.

Similarly when soul is put into subordinate species like dogs, cats, inset etc, its intellect is has access to only that part of its acquired knowledge which is necessary to live the life in that species.

Say for example, soul which is donning human body is sent to dog's body, its knowledge is restricted accordingly. The soul then behaves as if it is a dog. Thus when soul is the insect it behaves as if it is insect. The same soul, when in human body, it behaves as if it is human. The soul is neither human, nor dog nor cat nor any other species. Soul is different from body.

It is therefore said that the restrictions on mind decide body. And those restrictions are the result of rules governing action and outcomes.

But these rules cannot be implemented of their own. God out of its grace gets the system going so that soul would seek its goal of never ending happiness. Even the sensual happiness that one gets is also the outcome of these rules. And then it is up to the soul what it wants.