What does Gita say about devotion or love practice?

Before seeking answer, let us check the background of Gita. Five Pandav, who were exiled to forest, returned after the period of stay in forest and demanded back their kingdom from Duryodhan – the one who expelled them to the forest. Pandav had lost a game of gamble with him. The game was played on the condition that whichever party lost the game would be exiled to the forest for twelve years and one more year to be spent in hiding and if found in hiding period, again twelve years of forest stay and one year of hiding.

Duryodhan wanted to usurp Pandav’s share. He had a vast kingdom but greed never has any end. He enjoyed support of stalwarts of those time who were extremely powerful and adept in battle skills of all sorts. It was almost impossible to defeat them. He had huge army, all kinds of latest weapons of those times and was supported by many other kings.

The war was on cards.

Krishn decided to make a last ditch effort to stop the war. He went alone to Duryodhan and said,’I suggest you one solution to this problem. You can give five villages to five Pandav so they can spend their life peacefully. You can have rest of their kingdom in addition to yours.’ It seemed to Duryodhan that Pandav and Krishn were afraid of him and therefore they came up with such a proposal of five villages. Under the delusion of invincibility, he said,’No land, even that on tip of a needle, will be given.’

As stated, Krishn was alone without support of any army. Seeing that, Duryodhan tried to capture Krishn but Krishn, who was God in flesh, displayed his giant form and no amount of force could capture him. On this, Duryodhan said,’O! Just some trick! Such tricks don’t win wars.’ His ego did not allow him to grasp the reality. His intellect became his adversary and a complete destruction followed later.
Krishn returned and the war preparations began.
When war was about to begin, Dhrutrashtra (father of Duryodhan) wanted to know about war as it happened live. Ved Vyas gave Sanjay, charioteer of Druthrashtra, a special vision with which he could see what was happening in the war that was fought 100s of miles away from the capital. Sanjay narrated the whole war episode. When Dhrutrashtra asked,’Which side will win the war?’ Sanjay replied, ‘Of course that side which has Krishn….’