Hindu classifies actions into three categories
Action , Anti-Action , InAction .
InAction is of two types: NonAction , Augmented Action.

1. Action : Actions which are in accordance with scriptures. The outcome is heaven
2. Anti-Action: Actions which are not in compliance with scriptures. It also includes don'ts as per scriptures. Outcome is hell.
3. InAction : Non-performance of action. Since no action is performed no effect is associated. The two types are
--------------NonAction: Abstinence of all actions with with mind in God. Outcome is infinite happiness
--------------Augmented Action : Performance of action with mind in God. Outcome is infinite happiness

Since the outcome is always associated with mind, Augmented actions are taken as non-performance of actions. Therefore, outcome is the same for NonAction and Augmented action. Both of them take the performer to divine bliss.

Another classification is - Deed and Misdeed (Sin)
There are mainly four definitions

1. To work in accordance with scriptures is deed and not to work in accordance with scriptures is a misdeed.
2. To bless others is a deed and to oppress others is a misdeed.
3. To keep mind engaged in God is a deed and not to keep mind engaged in God is a misdeed
4. To do work for God is a deed and not to work for God is misdeed.

We can adopt the third or fourth definition which would take us to God's divine realm. Details in the next write up on deeds and misdeeds.